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It would be great if the stars were always aligned and you never had to deal with any situation involving conflict.  Unfortunately that’s not reality.  And you are going to have to face tough situations where conflict is involved.  Sorry, that’s just a fact of life that you need to recognize and accept.


At the risk of sounding like an “old guy” (which I’m closer to than a young guy with each passing day!), I would offer the following:

  • When you are facing a situation that will involve conflict, address it quickly and decisively.  No amount of procrastination will either make the situation easier or make it go away.  Deal with it and move on.

Think about it for a minute.  Is a magical genie going to appear and grant you three wishes that will make the problem go away?  By NOT addressing the issue how much mental energy are you expending?  The reality is the pain of NOT acting is often greater than the pain OF acting to resolve the conflict.  Now mind you, facing the tough situation is normally neither pleasant or easy.  However, it IS necessary; AND, I would offer that the momentary pain experienced during the actual conflict is much less than the ongoing pain of avoidance.  Sometimes the medicine (conflict) is necessary if you would to improve your health (peace of mind).


With that in mind:


  • Why aren’t you facing conflict head on?

As always, thanks for the time.

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