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Today I’m drawing inspiration from Seth Godin.  For those of you not familiar with Seth, I’d encourage you to visit his blog  at  Each day he puts out a brief thought on some subject.  He’s one of the folks that I draw on for inspiration; however, normally I don’t use his topics — but do enjoy reading them!  Today he chose the topic of “adopt” as it really hit the spot with me after reading his post about “future”.


Seth’s message — and I agree with it — is that you need to take one of two approaches to dealing with the future:

  • Adoption — Here you truly embrace the future.  You “accept it in to your family”.  As with an adopted child, it’s part of you.  You’re totally committed to it and the bond is incredibly strong.
  • Adaption — Here you decide to make the bare minimum changes slowly over time to exist with the future.  Think about that for a minute.  Howe would it sound to say you “adapted to the child” as opposed to “adopted the child”?

There shouldn’t be any doubt in your mind after reading the above difference between adoption and adaption that there is a huge difference in the path you pursue.  And when it comes to the future, you need to get on board with the adoption approach.  Because others are and they’re leaving you behind.


With that in mind:


  • Are you ready to adopt the future?

As always, thanks for the time.

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