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There are some things that really resonate with you.  One of my favorites is “We judge ourselves by our intentions, others judge us by our actions”.  Truer words were never spoken.  When you couple that with the classic of “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, you start to see a pattern.


Today I’m going to keep it short.  It’s great to have a solid plan and a vision of your future.  And you should take the time up front to make sure that you have done the requisite planning.  However, ultimately you’re going to need to take an action.  That’s when it becomes real to you AND real to others.  Rarely will taking that first step be easy.  However, there’s no chance of success without action.  And it’s up to you to initiate the process.


With that in mind:


  • Are you ready to take action?

As always, thanks for the time.

A FAVOR TO REQUEST – If you enjoy reading these posts, please share with a friend or two.  My goal is to help as many folks find ways to learn, grow and live more fully.  Thanks!