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Wouldn’t it be nice if life had an “F5” button?  I’m guessing that a huge number of readers responded “Absolutely!”.
Now if you’re one of the folks that responded in the affirmative, I’ve got to ask?  Who makes the decision about how you live your life gong forward?  Who decides if you’re going to do things the same way, or if you’re going to push your internal refresh button and start again?
One of my favorites is “Everyone likes change, but no one likes TO change”.  So true.  BUT….  The reality is we each have the ability to decide what we will and will not do.  What we will and will not think.  Yes there’s consequences with each choice.  But there’s also rewards.  And whether we recognize it or not, each choice we make is a personal measurement of the value of the reward relative to the value of the consequence.
With that in mind:
What’s keeping you from pressing your refresh button?

As always, thanks for the time.


A FAVOR TO REQUEST – If you enjoy reading these posts, please share with a friend or two.  My goal is to help as many folks find ways to learn, grow and live more fully.  Thanks!