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For me the hardest thing is figuring our what I want to do.  Once I get that question answered, things fall in place fairly quickly.  That speaks to two things:
  • First, the challenge we all face in determining what really matters.  Or put another way, “what do I want to do when I grow up”.
  • Second, the power of momentum.  Once we get going on any path — good or bad — it’s pretty easy to stay the course.
That’s why it’s so important to have a vision of the future in mind AND to trust that by doing just a few little things each day, that vision will over time become a reality.  Nike has if right, the key is to “Just do It”.
With that in mind:
What do you want to do?

As always, thanks for the time.


A FAVOR TO REQUEST – If you enjoy reading these posts, please share with a friend or two.  My goal is to help as many folks find ways to learn, grow and live more fully.  Thanks!