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You’ve come up with a brilliant idea.  You’re all excited.  You share it with someone.  And it happens — they look at you and ask:


“Are you crazy?”


And the chicken inside of you takes over.  You discard the idea and move on.  Who was I to think that I actually could do something like that?


Self-doubt’s and ugly thing.  The reality is those that are challenging you with “Are you crazy?” are more than likely the ones who are insane.  You come up with a new idea when you see something that you want to change or do differently.  In that moment of clarity you recognize that there is a different way of doing things.  And you’ve seen a new path.  You’re ready to pursue it, but you need just a little bit of encouragement from someone else to confirm that you are NOT crazy.  Think about this for a moment.  You’re ready to make an impact.  You’ve thought of something new.  You are convinced it will work.  And you turn to another that tells you to quit thinking outside the box, do the same thing, and expect different results.  That’s the text book definition of insanity:  doing the same thing and expecting different results.


So the next time that small idea turns in to a an actionable thought, don’t spend the time asking someone “What do you think?”.  Take the first step and trust that your subconscious is a lot smarter than you could ever give it credit for.


With that in mind:

When was the last time you went a little crazy?

As always, thanks for the time.


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