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We all like to think of ourselves as independent souls who have found our own way.  It’s a great mental image; and, it’s important to recognize the control you have over your actions, and in turn your life.  However, there are NOT a lot of folks around who get by solely on their own.  Most folks can do much better by asking for the help of others.


Unfortunately, society’s done a bit of conditioning with us that suggests that “asking for help” isn’t exactly a good thing.  Often times when we tell some one we are “asking for help” there’s an immediate connotation that flashes in the other person’s eyes:  the one asking for help must be weak, incapable or flawed and that’s BAD!


Because we’ve been conditioned to tie the “that’s BAD” with asking for help, folks are often hesitant to reach out.  Newsflash – we ARE all weak, we ARE all incapable, and we ARE all flawed.  HOWEVER, that’s NOT a problem.  That’s reality.  There’s only been one perfect person to ever walk this earth; and, no disrespect intended, you ain’t him!  The shortcomings we possess offer us the opportunity to reach out to others and allow them to share their gifts with us.  By asking for help we’re actually OFFERING a huge gift to another.


Think about it for a minute.  When you help someone that needs it, when you provide your skills and/or abilities, when that person smiles and shows a sense of relief, how do you feel?  That feeling exists because they asked for help and you provided it.  Sure, they weren’t able to do it on their own.  Who cares.  It got done AND in the process you gave them the gift of help.  But it likely wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t reach out and ask for help.


So the next time someone asks for help, you might want think about the gift they just extended to you in lieu of forming any judgements.


With that in mind:

Why are you afraid to ask for help?

As always, thanks for the time.