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It’s fascinating to me the way that the brain works.  It’s both incredibly simple and amazingly complex.  We can focus on the “can” and it will guide us to incredible heights.  We can focus on the “cannot” and it will carry us to the depths of despair.  And that makes me wonder why so many of us decide to shackle the brain voluntarily with mental handcuffs.

Let’s start today with a little bit of perspective.  If you’re reading this you’ve likely got a computer, iPad, or smartphone.  You’ve either got a high speed internet connection or a 4G network connection.  You probably live in a home that 99% of the world’s population would love to inhabit.  You don’t have to worry about being hungry.  You spend way too much money on material things that you discard within a year or two.  And, at the risk of potentially offending any of my international readers, you live in a country where — in spite of all of the political stupidity — we’ve got a pretty good deal going.  And many of us, in spite of all of our blessings, feel “handcuffed”.

Handcuffed to the mortgage, handcuffed to our job, handcuffed to our obligations.  And we LOVE those handcuffs!!!  Seriously, we can claim that there’s SO many things that keep us handcuffed to our current situation.  We’re a prisoner of our situation.  Woe is me.  Come on, seriously do you really want to play that card?  The reality is there’s not a whole lot keeping us in the situation we face.  Most of those handcuffs are mental and not physical.  They’re constructed from fear, doubt, and unwillingness to endure near term discomfort for long term gain.

So the next time you start to boo-hoo and bellyache about all those things that keep you handcuffed, you might want to think a little bit about where you stand compared to the rest of the world.  You might want to consider how much risk a change would really entail.  You might want to consider your “needs” versus your “wants”.  And you might want to consider whether the handcuffs keeping you in place are real or a figment of your imagination.

With that in mind:

Isn’t it time you take off the handcuffs?

As always, thanks for the time