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Dreaming is a good thing.  After all, without dreamers we would never have made the progress as a society that we have.  And yet there’s an awful connotation associated with the moniker “dreamer”.  Why is that?

Is it because we’re afraid of what the dreamer sees that we do not?  Is it because we’re hard wired to believe that doing is more important than thinking?  Is it because we already know the answer?  Is it because dreams are clearly childish?

We may not always be able to reach the ideal that lives in our dream.  Hell, we may not even be able to convince ourselves to take the first step towards the vision in our dreams.  However, to dismiss dreams as “unrealistic” is absurd.  Who hasn’t woke from a dream and found their pulse racing, found themselves sweating profusely, screamed out loud enough to wake ourselves or our partners, jumped or twitched to the point where we startled ourselves awake?  These “unreal” events sure do seem to have the ability to have a physical influence on us!  Maybe we should consider letting dreams work their magic a bit more when we’re awake…

With that in mind:

Which dream of yours would you like to turn in to reality?

As always, thanks for the time.