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Wouldn’t it be great to wake up in the morning and have absolutely nothing to do?  Not a care in the world?  And do this day, after day, after day?  Maybe not…

While most of us would be well served to work on balance in our lives, going “free-form” and removing all structure probably would not be a good idea.  In fact, I’ll make the argument that structure is critical to our well being.  Now mind you, structure does not mean that we script out every minute of every day.  That’s madness as there are way too many uncertainties to get down to that level of planning.  Structure does mean that we need to “fill the day’s jar” wisely…

And that means that we need to arrange time first for those things that are important to us.  Whether it’s prayer, exercise, writing, or working, we need to slot these events in first.  They’re non-negotiable.  After that we need to work down our priorities and arrange other things in our life.  If we don’t take the time to establish some sort of structure, things will get away from us.  Again, I come back to my favorite quote from Jim Rohn:

“We must all suffer from one of two pains:  the pain of discipline or the pain of regret”

With that in mind:

Are you going to put some structure in place today or cry about it tomorrow?

As always, thanks for the time.