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Sometime around the age of one, each of us began to take our first steps.  They were awkward, inefficient, and exciting.  And over a period of months and years these small steps came easier, were much more graceful, and our confidence grew with each one.  While I doubt many of us can remember the actual experience, I do know from watching my kids take their first steps that at the time there was some degree of fear and doubt present.  And yet they trusted and moved forward with the journey.  While none of them ended up in the ballet, they all walk — actually run! — quite well today.

There’s so many other challenges we face each day where fear and doubt are at the front of our mind.  And these two emotions paralyze us from taking those first steps.  That’s a shame, because while we may stumble as we take the first step, the only way we’ll ever move forward is if we trust that we can walk just like all of the others who have come before us.

With that in mind:

What step are you going to take today?

As always, thanks for the time.