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Mr. Webster defines an adage as “a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth”.  One of the best is:


  • Laughter is the best medicine


Why is that? What is it about laughter that makes it such a magical elixir?  Two things.  First, scientists have proven that there are a number of positive physiological effects of laughter on the body.  So laughing actually does provide a sort of physical healing of the body.  However, if it were just the physical part of the equation, laughter’s power would not be quite as strong.  It’s the second effect of laughter that provides the real power.  Laughter involves our relationship with someone else – the friend who tells a joke or the craziness of some action that we observed – while experiencing something out of the ordinary.  Laughter’s triggered by us sharing that moment of absurdity.  By sharing the recognition that in spite all of our cognitive abilities, there’s still a degree of chaos and uncertainty in our lives beyond our control.  And it’s that mutual recognition of the uncertainty, the unexpected, the surprise that brings us joy.  Laughter’s power lies in sharing those moments of absurdity with another.

With that in mind:

Have you taken the time to laugh with someone today?

As always, thanks for the time.