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Perhaps the greatest gift and the greatest curse of our existence is our freedom of choice.  On the one hand, we have the ability to decide on anything at anytime.  If we are not happy with what we are doing or how things are going we are absolutely free to make the choice to change things.  On the other hand, we are normally so caught up in our current state of being that we can not fathom the concept of change; and, while we know the choice to change is there, we can’t bring ourselves to take the first step.  Knowing that we have the choice and are not taking it gnaws at us.  Keeps us awake.  Makes us wonder.

Ultimately it comes down to an issue of pain.  Is the pain of staying in your current state more or less than the pain of going through a change.  When we choose the latter, we come to understand just how important choice is.

With that in mind:

Which pain will you choose?

As always, thanks for the time.