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Full credit up front — today’s idea is motivated from reading Seth Godin’s The Dip yesterday evening.

How many times have we hear “quitters never win and winners never quit”.  Did you know that this is pure BS?  Huh?  How can something that is such a “given” in today’s world be wrong?  Because, like so many things, we love a good sound bite, a quick solution, and don’t often take the time to think about things.  I’m going to convince you that this concept is so good with two words….


  • Michael Jordan


When Jordan’s name comes up do we think of quitter?  Hardly.  And yet that’s exactly what Jordan did when he switched from basketball to baseball.  Yeah, but that was different you say.  Was it?  Well yes, it was.  But why was it different?  The key was that Michael made a conscious decision to step away from one activity and focus his energy fully on a new endeavor upon which he placed his full focus.

The reality is winners quit all the time.  They quit doing everything except those things they are good at.  That’s their key.  Winners are actually the biggest quitters out there!

With that in mind:

What’s on your list to quit?

As always, thanks for the time