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Several times I’ve drawn inspiration from musicians for my content, today I turn to the world of physics — hey I’m nothing if not a bit eclectic!  Sir Isaac Newton gives us the third law of motion:


  • To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction


That reaction is better known as the consequence.  And some are positive.  And some are negative.  There are two key points that I’d like you to take away today.  First, anything worth doing requires and action.  Duh!  The key here is that just thinking about something is not the same as doing it.  For example:


  • Three frogs are sitting on a log in the lake.  Two decide to jump in.  How many are left?


Most folks will respond “one”.  Wrong.  They thought about jumping.  All three are still on the log.  First point, in order to move forward you have to take action.

The second point concerns consequences.  When you take actions there will consequences.  Now most folks probably think I flipped my lid by pointing out this fact.  After all, consequences are bad, right?  Absolutely not!  Consequences are a natural outcome of any action.  As Newton told us, if there’s an action, there’s going to be counter-action.  Further, Newton emphasize “equal” in that counter action.  That’s key.  If you want to have a big impact, you better be willing to take a big action.  People that make an impact recognize that they will catalyze consequences.  They expect, encourage and welcome the consequences as without them change will not happen.

With that in mind:

What would you like the consequence to be of the next big action you take?

As always, thanks for the time.