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Occasionally you come across a quote that really resonates with you: “There are two types of pain you will go through in life, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.  Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tonnes. — Jim Rohn” Mr. Rohn’s...


You can learn a ton from kids.  “I’m going to be President when I grow up”, “I’m going to be an astronaut”, “I’m going to win the Masters”, “I’m going to own my own island”, “I’m going...


The Spanish have their siesta, kids like to talk about “chilling”, and Steven Covey talks about the concept of “sharpening the saw”.  All three address the same issue:  taking a little bit of time to focus on renewing yourself.  Failure to do...


While I’m not a huge sci-fi fan, I think  Yoda summed up this topic pretty well:  “Do or do not.  There is no try”.  The key is in the second sentence:  “There is no try”.  If we say “I’ll try”, what we are really saying...


No we’re not talking about ghosts.  Well, we’re kind of talking about ghosts… How many times have you seen something new and thought, “Man I thought of that!”?  You then spend the next few minutes lamenting all of the lost riches that...