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Perhaps the biggest change in society over the past half century is in the area of individual accountability.  With each passing day, we are greeted with another rule or law that tells us how to or how not to live our lives.  Amazing that we have somehow lost our ability to be personally accountable and need some higher power to provide us with guidance.

Unfortunately this trend has a huge “creep effect”.  In particular, as we are greeted by more and more instances where there is some entity in place to take care of things for us, we begin to expect this.  And, accordingly, start to think more and more “that’s not my responsibility”.  We each ARE responsible for ourselves.  That means asking the hard questions, giving the hard answers, and taking the hard steps required to grow as individuals.  And, when we do this, the results are remarkable.

With that in mind:

Are you holding yourself accountable?

As always, thanks for the time.