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When the topic of habit comes up some smile and some frown.  But everyone is locked in as to the significance.  Habits are those things that people due that define them.  The things you KNOW they’ll deliver on.  Whether it’s good — like exercising daily or eating well — or bad — like eating too much or smoking — we all recognize people’s habits.  They’re also very difficult to break — which, again, can be good or bad.

When it comes to forming habits, two things stick in my mind.  The first is the “21 day rule”.  If you can do something for 21 days, you can form a habit.  Sounds easy enough.  The second has to do with the process of forming a habit.  Here there’s three components:  knowledge, skills, and attitude.  Knowledge of what you are trying to accomplish, the required skills to support the habit, and finally the can-do attitude.  Often it’s this last item that holds us back.

With that in mind:

How’s your attitude?

As always, thanks for the time.