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As the old song goes “I get by with a little help from my friends”.  A month or so back I came across a site called “The Suitcase Entrepreneur”.  The author focuses on building an on-line business that you can take anywhere in the world.  While I don’t harbor such aspirations, she shares some interesting tips and tricks that I find useful from time to time.  Last week, she started a “30 day blog challenge”.  She’s basically going to challenge folks to blog for 30 days about topics she’ll choose.  Never one to back down, I decided to give it a go.  So today’s the first “challenge”.  It is:

  • Write a post on why you started your blog, who you wanted to reach, what you wanted it to be all about. Then state why you joined this blog challenge and what you want to get out of it.

This one’s pretty easy.

  • I started this blog for a couple of reasons.  First, I wanted to get in the process of putting some content out there on the internet.  While I’m not sure where I’ll end up eventually, I do know that I want to develop a “virtual presence” on line and that won’t happen with some content.  Second, I wanted to start to get some of the thoughts running around in my head down on paper.
  • I’m looking to reach folks that want to learn, grow and live (hence the title).  I’m not 100% locked in to my niche, but the partial definition is white collar professionals who are looking to achieve more — more at work, more outside work, more with their family, more financially.  My hope is that I can leverage my 18 years in the corporate environment with a few pearls of wisdom.
  • The blogs going to focus on ideas of all sorts.  Initially, I’m focusing on a number of obvious things that we take for granted, BUT have a huge impact on our and other lives.  Longer term, I’m going to focus on career development, book reviews, improving outside the workplace, and financial related issues.  Sort of a one stop shop for the manager/worker in corporate America that wants some tips and ideas to help him/her be more efficient and effective
  • From the blog challenge, I’m also looking to get a few things.  First, it’ll be some more practice on writing.  Second, it will hopefully bring me a bit more traffic.  Third, hopefully I’ll meet a few new friends.  And, fourth — and finally — I’ll be looking to take Natalie up on her one day coaching session in San Diego!

That’s it for day one of the challenge.  Wish me luck and feel free to leave a comment or suggestion.

If you want some more information on the challenge, check out the post on day one at:



30 day challenge