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Context is everything.  Such is the case with through.  There’s two possibilities here:
  • “I’m through with that” — In other words, I give up.  I’m not trying to overcome that barrier or obstacle any more.
  • “I’m going to break through” — I’m pushing through that barrier or obstacle.
Now a test for you:
  • Go back 30 seconds in time and remember what you were thinking when you read “through”.
  • Were you thinking about overcoming what was in front of you?
  • Were you thinking about giving up on what was in front of you?
Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, we each have our biases.  But we only learn, grow, and live more fully when we face these biases head on.
With that in mind:
  • What’s it take for you to be through?


As always, thanks for the time.

A FAVOR TO REQUEST – If you enjoy reading these posts, please share with a friend or two.  My goal is to help as many folks find ways to learn, grow and live more fully.  Thanks!